The Alamo Paintball Scenario                    
The Alamo 
After Action Report


The battle action started Friday night as we invited all players to participate in a little pre-game action.  We set up and played total elimination single hopper paintball until it became completely dark.

The Tournament began sharply at 10 AM Saturday morning.  Three teams were chosen based on the largest teams present, becoming the core of the team.

Sabotage  arrived with about 16+ players and their ranks grew to a total of 30 players     

(Yellow Team)

Joint Operations arrived from Miami arrived with approximately 17 players and its ranks swelled to 27 with Trespassers and Coalition troops.

 (Blue Team)

Closed Caskets arrived with 14 players and was teamed with DKS to total out at around 40 players. 

 (Red Team)

 The scenario called for the Texans to start standing under the Texas flag in the center of the Alamo,  At game starting horn,  the Texans could fan out to man the walls of the Alamo, and the Two legions of Mexicans would throw themselves against the the fortifications.

The Texans goal was to keep the Flag Flying as long as possible,  scoring a point per minute for as long as it flies.

The Mexican Legions started North  and South of the Alamo respectively, with the teams rotating in and out of the positions.

The mission created a scenario where shock trooping the walls was the method best used to overwhelm the Texans.  The intitial segments on Saturday showed some caution, and the later segments total abandon with most games ending in under 10 Minutes.

Each team played 3 times in the role of Texans, and 6 times in the role of Mexicans.

At the end 9 games,  Sabotage  was in the lead,  with Closed Caskets and Joint Ops  close on their heals.

Because the games were so violently quick,  the producer added another long game to round out the daytime games.  This was a take and hold the objective, and was worth Ten points to make it important enough for the heavily welted, and tired to rise from their campgrounds.

RED played a very smart game,  allowing the Yellow and Blue to beat themselves against each other, and then swooping in, during the waning moments to decimate the remaining Blue operators, who thought they had it made. Timing is everything in a tactical scenario, and watches should be worn or attached to your marker.





The night game:

The night game, based on the Alamo,   found all three teams labelled Texans, with the mission of Spiking the Mexican Cannons.  

The Texans would need to eliminate  the Mexican sentries.   Sieze the site, take a nitro charge from the ammo box,  and without jolting it, carry it the 40 yards to the Mexican Cannons and gently emplace it.   A third of the Texans who carried a charge, were not carefull enough with the charge, and exploded themselves.  Another third were elimanted by hostile fire, as their team did not provide enough escort for their engineer while he was forced to concentrate fully on his task.

Red Team successfully spiked two cannons for 10 points.

Yellow successfully spiked one cannon for 5 points.

Blue was robbed in the final moments, as a lost newbie blasted the last blue player nearing the last cannon and within seconds of the end of the game.


Sunday Games

Sunday's reinforcements arrived, and were assigned to teams proportional to the team scores.  All teams performed well on Sunday.   We found ourselves with a final game with Sabotage and Joint Operations both close enough to win.  Closed caskets were out of the points race, and found themselves in the position of king maker, as they could not win, but did support the Blue Team Joint Operations, and pressured Sabotage,  giving Joint Operations a win in their first appearance at CampMilesPaintball.



  Heather - Flag Puller Game 1  Stevo - Flag Puller Game 3

Gary - Flag Puller Games  5 and 6  Rich - Flag Puller Game 7  Steph - Flag Puller Game 4

Questions?  Call Keith  239-980-9850